Posted by : irfan Kamis, 04 Juli 2013

sinopsis : Recettear is the story of an item shop, the girl who lives in it, and the fairy who turned her life upside down. Recette Lemongrass finds herself in charge of an item shop built into her house, in order to pay back a loan her father took and then skipped out on - and Tear, her newfound fairy "companion", won't take no for an answer! You will play as Recettear and you have to decide how you'll get your stock either through playing the markets in town or going out into the wild with an adventuring friend and thrashing beasts until they give up the goodies - how much to sell things for, what the shop should look like, and how to best go about getting the money Tear needs to pay off the loan. If you can't come up with the money... well, hope you like living in a cardboard box.
TL Sendiri aja kalau mau tau atau search di google :v

gamenya asik , bisa jualan , bisa juga bertarung di dungeon
susahnya disini itu harus bisa membagi waktu




extract all 2 part and run Recettear - An Item Shop's Tale.exe to install the game

Thanks To Chiaki Koga

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